Case - Generation of FATCA and CRS files | Snap Compliance
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Snap Compliance - Use Cases

Generation of documents to comply with FATCA and CRS.

Generation of documents to comply with FATCA and CRS

Use Case - Generation of documents to comply with FATCA and CRS

Financial entities today in order to carry out due diligence must adhere to international compliance law tax on foreign accounts, and thus carry out an exchange of information on their financial accounts through the generation of files with already established formats. Many times, organizations do not have this tool or do not know which accounts must be reported in these files.

At Snap Compliance we provide a tool that allows organizations to easily generate FATCA and CRS files that must be delivered to the regulatory entities. In addition, financial entities will have a tool that gives them the option of suggesting potential clients that should be included. in FATCA and CRS reports.

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Use Cases

Client Onboarding

With Snap Compliance, perform the validation of the link-up risk of your clients quickly and easily, detecting possible anomalies. We provide you with the tools to evaluate and follow up on your clients.

Monitoring for Prevention of Money Laundering

Snap Compliance will help you monitor and prevent Money Laundering in your organization. We provide you with the tools to parameterize risk matrices, predefine monitoring and follow-up alerts.

Generate of Regulatory Information

Snap Compliance makes it easy for your organization to comply with information requested by regulators. We have processes that generate and store the information for sending the required documentation.

Generation of documents to comply with FATCA and CRS

With Snap Compliance your organization can easily generate FATCA and CRS files. We provide you with a tool that will help you define the possible clients that must be reported to the regulatory entities.

Verification in International Sanctions Lists

With Snap Compliance you will be able to verify your clients on international sanctions lists on a daily basis. We provide you with the tools to parameterize and monitor the alerts generated in the verification of lists.

Operational Risk Management of the Organization

With Snap Compliance you can easily and systematically identify the risks inherent in your organization. We provide you with preconfigured risk catalogs and adjust them to your organization's line of business.

Evaluation of Maturity Models for Employees and Suppliers

With Snap Compliance you will be able to measure the level of maturity of your organization in specific topics. With this tool, your organization will be able to identify in which areas to enhance future training.

Our Clients

We have been building tools for risk management together with our clients, solve their requirements is our passion