Compliance Agent | Optimize and Scale Compliance Management

Optimize and Scale Your Compliance Management with Greater Efficiency

Automate, streamline, and centralize your compliance processes with Compliance Agent. Perform diagnostics in seconds, manage multiple policies and regulations seamlessly. Save time, reduce costs, and empower compliance officers with intelligent, scalable tools.

Achieve Compliance Across Multiple Countries Without Complexity

Regulatory compliance doesn’t have to be a burden. Compliance Agent allows you to manage, automate, and scale compliance across Costa Rica, Chile, and Panama, adapting to your industry and country-specific requirements. Reduce operational workload, eliminate repetitive tasks, and centralize control over your regulatory obligations in one platform

Centralized and Automated Compliance

Manage all applicable regulations in one place. Compliance Agent enables you to configure laws, regulations, and internal policies to streamline evaluations, audits, and reporting effortlessly

Fast Diagnostics and Gap Management

Assess your organization’s compliance status with automated diagnostics and receive clear action plans to close gaps and meet regulatory standards without delays

Industry and Country Adaptability

From the financial sector to tech companies, Compliance Agent adapts to regulations in Costa Rica, Chile, and Panama, allowing you to operate risk-free and in full compliance

Identify Risks and Optimize Compliance with Advanced Technology

Transform Compliance Management with Artificial Intelligence

Compliance is more than just ticking boxes—it’s a strategic approach to reducing risks and enhancing corporate governance. Compliance Agent enables organizations to identify risks linked to regulations, assess maturity levels, apply automated diagnostics, and generate actionable compliance plans. With the power of generative AI, you can automate key processes, cut costs, and accelerate decision-making, making compliance management faster and more efficient across multiple industries and countries.
Transform Compliance Management with Artificial Intelligence

Comprehensive Regulatory Compliance Management

Compliance Agent centralizes and automates regulatory compliance, enabling businesses to meet the requirements of Costa Rica, Chile, Panama, and international standards in a single platform. Optimize compliance, prevent sanctions, and enhance corporate governance with AI-powered tools


Costa Rica: SUGEF and CONASSIF Regulations

Comply with critical regulations such as SUGEF Agreement 13-19 on AML and CONASSIF Agreement 12-21 on financial risk and regulatory compliance, ensuring that businesses operate within the legal framework.

  • Acuerdo CONASSIF 4-16, Reglamento de Gobierno Corporativo
  • Acuerdo CONASSIF 5-24 Reglamento General de Gobierno y Gestión de la Tecnología de la información.
  • Acuerdo CONASSIF 12-21 Reglamento para la prevención del Riesgos de Legitimación de Capitales, Financiamiento al Terrorismo y Financiamiento de la Proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva, aplicable a los sujetos obligados por el artículo 14 de la Ley 7786.
  • Acuerdo SUGEF 11-18 Reglamento para la inscripción y desinscripción ante la Sugef de los sujetos obligados que realizan alguna o algunas de las actividades descritas en los artículos 15 y 15 Bis de la Ley sobre estupefacientes, sustancias psicotrópicas, drogas de uso no autorizado, actividades conexas, legitimación de capitales y financiamiento al terrorismo, Ley 7786.
  • Acuerdo SUGEF 13-19 Reglamento para la prevención del riesgo de legitimación de capitales.
  • Acuerdo SUGEF 10-07 Reglamento sobre la Transparencia ante el usuario Financiero en la Prestación de Productos y Servicios por parte de Entidades Supervisadas por SUGEF.
  • Acuerdo SUGEF 24-22 Reglamento para calificar a las entidades supervisadas (Sustituye al Acuerdo SUGEF 24-00)
  • Acuerdo SUGEF 2-10 Reglamento sobre administración integral de riesgos.
  • Block.compliance-agent.laws.costarica.morelaws

Chile: Corporate Legislation and Criminal Compliance

Automate compliance management with regulations such as Law 21.595 on Economic Crimes, Law 21.393 on Corporate Criminal Liability, and Law 21.643 (Karin Law), aligning organizations with high compliance standards.

  • Ley N°21.595: Ley de Delitos Económicos
  • Ley N°20.393: Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas
  • Ley N°21.643: Ley Karin
  • Ley N°21.521: Ley Fintec
  • Ley N°21.663: Ley Marco de Ciberseguridad
  • Ley N°19.628: Sobre Protección de la Vida Privada
  • Ley N°19.913: Unidad de Análisis Financiero (UAF) y Disposiciones en Material de Lavado y Blanqueo de Activos
  • Norma de Carácter General 461 (Sostenibilidad y Gobernanza)
  • Norma de Carácter General 454 Riesgo Operacional

Panama: Financial Compliance and AML Regulations

Manage Law 23 of 2015 and agreements from the Superintendency of Banks and Superintendency of the Securities Market, ensuring compliance with AML regulations, financial transparency, and risk management

  • Ley 23 de 27 de abril de 2015
  • Acuerdo No. 8-2010 de 27 de julio de 2010
  • Acuerdo No. 5-2011 de 19 de octubre de 2011

International Standards: Global Compliance Frameworks

Compliance Agent enables organizations to manage international regulations such as ISO 37301, ISO 31000, ISO 37002, and global AML/CFT standards, ensuring secure and compliant operations in global markets.

  • ISO 37001:2016
  • ISO 37301:2021
  • ISO 37002:2021
  • ISO 37004 Modelo de Madurez de Gobernanza
  • ISO 37005 Seleccion, creación y uso de indicadores
  • ISO 37006 Indicadores de Gobernanza Efectiva

Manage Regulations Efficiently with Smart Technology

Optimize Compliance and Reduce Operational Burden

Stop wasting time on manual processes. Automate compliance management, identify risks, and ensure regulatory adherence across multiple countries with Compliance Agent

Speed in Diagnostics

Perform automated assessments in seconds to evaluate your company’s compliance status and identify risks before they escalate.

Smart Regulatory Management

Centralize all regulations in a unified platform, facilitating evaluation, monitoring, and regulatory updates with minimal manual effort.

Cost Reduction and Time Savings

Automate repetitive tasks and optimize your team’s workload, significantly reducing the time and costs associated with compliance management.

Save Time, Reduce Costs, and Ensure Seamless Compliance

Automate and Scale Your Compliance with Less Effort

Managing compliance doesn’t have to be slow and expensive. Compliance Agent automates evaluations, identifies risks, and streamlines regulatory processes, allowing you to meet compliance requirements without disrupting your operations.

How can we help you?

Optimize risk management, regulatory compliance, and due diligence with advanced technology and artificial intelligence